Our Stories

Stories of Life Change

How has God impacted your life? We would love to hear from you.

From Isolation to Community

Jimmie and Ashley's Story

After facing the negative effects of isolation post-COVID, Jimmie and Ashley realized they were longing for connection and growth. Their return to church during Easter 2023 marked a pivotal moment in their lives, as they found a place that felt like home, where their children were loved and valued, and where the teaching was rooted in scripture. They share how the church community has transformed their family dynamics, helping them navigate life's storms with faith, intentional service, and practical wisdom. Surrounded by genuine believers, they experienced firsthand how God is for their relationships, their marriage, and their children, reminding us that we are created for connection. If you're feeling disconnected, remember: God is for you, and community can make all the difference.

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Finding Community

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